This Tuesday Eligh & Scarub of the Living Legends come to the Mo|Tav stage at 9pm. Buy your tickets online at or at Boo Boo Records downtown SLO. This is going to be a sell out show so get your tickets NOW! Opening the show is local lyricists Public Defendaz.
In first grade, at a friend's birthday party, Eligh and the rest of the kids watched a movie called "Beat Street." The movie made quite an impression and inspired Eligh to make a trip to his local record store where he picked up LL Cool J's "I'm Bad." After one listen, he knew what he wanted to do. The year was 1985. Eligh's first official step into the hip-hop world was under the name lower m.c. and his first crew was the Boogalu Badboys with his friend Scarub. At the time, they were both attending Hamilton High School in L.A. They changed their name to Urban Instinct and then they met Murs, a fellow Hamilton student. The three of them became known as 3 Melancholy Gypsys (3MG). Eligh was living with his aunt and uncle, but was kicked out of the house. This would end up being the event that led to him becoming part of the Living Legends. After being kicked out, Eligh moved up to the bay area and began staying on a friend's couch. The friends he was staying with had a house party one night and one of the partygoers was The Grouch. Through a mutual friend they were introduced and ended up hooking up to record a song together. While they were working on the song, Sunspot came by and met Eligh and brought Eligh into the crew. From there, the rest is Legends history. Eligh credits a wide range of musical influences including Michael Jackson, Freestyle Fellowship, and Bob Dylan. Under his beat-making alter ego, Gandalf, Eligh has helped provide the backbone of the Legends sound and is responsible for many of the Legends classic songs. Eligh's latest project, The Grouch & Eligh "No More Greener Grasses," is available now.